Digital Marketing Framework

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The foundation of a successful digital marketing plan is a comprehensive understanding of the client’s key business goals and objectives. Once we’ve garnered a successful understanding of the client’s needs, we write a comprehensive digital marketing plan using the digital marketing framework. The strategy under pins all of the digital marketing solutions and provide a roadmap, which will guide the execution of each task.



Create a plan based on realistic business goals and objectives. An effective plan will produce great results.

website development

Design and build a website that reflects your brand and supports your key business objectives. Develop and provide maintenance on an ongoing basis.


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social media marketing & advertising

Take advantage of the social media channels to extend your brand reach in a social and business environment. 

Paid Search campaigns

Based on your business needs, we leverage paid search campaigns to meet your key business objectives. Some of the options include Yelp, Google MyBusiness, Facebook and Instagram and others.

Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram | Yelp | Google MyBusiness |Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube | Vimeo 

email marketing

Apply effective communication strategies to ensure consistency and continuity of marketing messages.

Increase Website Traffic | Build Relationships | Cross Promotions | Generate Leads | Increase Sales  




The process of maximizing the number of visitors to your website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by a search engine. Ensuring that you have an effective keywords list, and combining on-page and off-page strategies for the best results.


Use existing measurement tools to optimize key objectives.

Google Analytics | Pixel Tracking | Leads | Sales 
