Why LinkedIn Marketing Strategy is an important social media function
linkedIn marketing strategy
According to Hootsuite, there are over 562 million LinkedIn users. LinkedIn marketing is a critical social media platform, and should be central to your overall digital marketing strategy plan. LinkedIn is a B2B platform, and is critical to building brand awareness, brand credibility, and increasing business leads. LinkedIn is also important because it has a defined demographics that is a good fit for most business goals. Building a business network, and extending that network through LinkedIn Connections is key business objective for most small business owners.An incomplete LinkedIn profile is tantamount to an incomplete resume. LinkedIn is where business owners and recruiters alike go to conduct independent research about a brand, business or potential customer or client. Get some hints on how to set-up your LinkedIn profile here
A few critical metrics that will convince you of the power of LinkedIn:
Over 80% of all B2B leads generated by social media come from LinkedIn
90% of top performing salespeople now use social media as part of their sales strategy
79% of B2B Marketers say LinkedIn is an effective source for generating leads
There are 5 E's to consider when working with the LinkedIn platform. Here they are:
Explore Opportunities
Expand Networks
Engage Connections
Establish Relationships
Expert Positioning
Check out the 5 E's of LinkedIn Marketing Infographics here LinkedIn should be a part of your overall business strategy. Your decision to embrace this platform is central to your strategy, and will depend on your business goals and objectives. It should not be a standalone, but a co-equal to your branding strategy, and your lead acquisition approach.