4 Critical Steps for Building a Memorable Brand
The role a memorable brand plays in your business
buidling a memorable brand
Building memorable brand requires people, design and customer interaction. What makes a brand? Some of the important things to remember about a brand is consistency, quality of work, excellent customer experiences, and staying true to a the brand experience and service.
Building a Memorable Brand includes:
Evaluating the brand
Brand description
Personalize the brand
Differentiation & positioning
Brand promotion
According to Ellevate, Developing an impactful brand is make-or-break. It's what will help your company gain new customers, and most importantly, it's what will keep them coming back.Following are 4 critical steps for building a memorable brand:
No meaning = no story
What's in a name? Everything
Your business is not all about you
Why are you doing this
Your brand should mean something to you. It’s the face of your company and the metric the public will measure you by. Your business’s name should represent a metaphor, symbol, word or emotion that evokes a story, memory or meaning.
The old adage “If you build it, they will come” is no longer applicable in this day and age. Explore additional brand marketing perspectives here